Nowadays, Christians know baptism as a way of identifying with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. However, baptism did not begin with Jesus. For years before Christ, the Jews used water as a symbol of cleansing. Then John the Baptist came into the picture and...
What Age Will We Be In Heaven?
Heaven (God’s kingdom) is a place where believers anticipate going after judgment. When we imagine what God’s kingdom will look like, it’s easy to wonder what our age or physical appearance might be like. That’s because we want to know whether we will recognize our...
Is Cheating A Sin?
Most of us know cheating as infidelity in a relationship or dishonesty in academics. However, cheating can take many forms and penetrate all areas of our lives, including work and even in the church. But is cheating a sin? The Bible tells us that cheating is a sin....
How Long Is a Generation In The Bible?
Nowadays, there is a lot of focus on understanding the dynamics of different generations, be it in the workplace, housing, or social life. We hear of Baby Boomers born 1946-1964, who are known for their vocal and demanding attitude, while Generation X, born 1965-1980,...
Are Angel Numbers Biblical?
Certain numbers in the Bible, such as 7 and 40, play an important role. With this in context, it’s easy to believe that when the same numbers show up repeatedly (angel numbers) in your life, it’s a good thing. In fact, people assume that since these numbers are...
What Is The Difference Between God And Jesus
It’s easy to distinguish between things we can see and touch, but when it comes to Jesus and God, it’s not simple. That’s because several scriptures refer to Jesus as God, and he did things that would make any Christian remark, “Only God can do that!” Nonetheless,...
Is God And Jesus Christ The Same Person?
As humans, our simple understanding of God leads us to ask questions time and again. The question “Is Jesus God?” is something that Christians frequently consider and discuss. That’s because we often use the word Jesus and God interchangeably to mean the same...
Why Did Cain Kill Abel?
We all know anger, and we've felt it. It's a normal human emotion. When we get angry, we often avoid the person because we know once anger gets out of control, it can lead to dire consequences. However, that was not the case with Cain. He killed his brother Abel, and...
Hebrew Word For Jesus: Yeshuwa
He's our Lord and Savior, the Son of God who represented The Lord to us in real life and died on the cross for our redemption. His short life on earth has led many into spiritual transformation and acceptance that God is our eternal heavenly Father. The Bible calls...
What Does The Word Hebrew Mean? (Ibriy)
We typically use the term Hebrew to refer to the ancient Israelites' language. This holy language group was a branch of the ancient Canaanite ethnicity. Modern descendants consider it the official language of Israel. But when we review the meaning of this term, we...
What Does the Word Christian Mean in Hebrew: Meshikhi
The word Christian was first used in Antioch in the New Testament to describe the disciples of Jesus. It was more of a nickname to describe their “Christ-like” lifestyle. Today, Christianity carries different connotations and has different meanings. Let’s examine what...
Hebrew Word For Wisdom: Chokhma
Have you ever heard of the phrase the older you get, the wiser you become? When you think of your grandparents, do you truly believe they are wise? For most people, wisdom comes with age, and we often assume older people are wise. After all, they have tons of...