Episcopal vs Lutheran

Episcopal vs Lutheran

Epicopolainism is an offshoot of the Church of England which was established in the 16th century following the English Reformation movement. The Church of England retained lots of catholic liturgy and practices while at the same time embracing some Protestantism. Over...

Anglican vs Lutheran

Anglicanism emerged in the 16th century during the Reformation movement that was jumpstarted by Martin Luther. It is believed that King Henry VIII inspired the formation of the Church of England because he was seeking autonomy from the Roman Catholic Church. In 534,...

Presbyterian vs Lutheran 

Presbyterian vs Lutheran 

Presbyterianism stemmed from John Calvin’s teachings. He was a French theological scholar who played a significant role in the Reformation movement. The word Presbyterian is adapted from the Greek word “presbyteros” which loosely translates to elder. Presbyterianism,...

Lutheran vs Christianity

Lutheran vs Christianity

Christianity can be traced back to the early church in the Book of Acts where it is recorded that the believers were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:26). From then on, the church continued to spread its wings across nations and it soon became the largest...

Methodist vs Lutheran

Methodist vs Lutheran

Methodism sprung up in the 18th century. Ir originally began as a movement in the Church of England under the leadership of John Wesley with his brother Charles Wesley who were trying to revive spiritual fervor as well as deal with some social issues in the church....

Lutheran vs. Protestant

Lutheran vs. Protestant

Lutheranism and Protestantism have a common origin because they both emerged from the protestant reformation movement in the 16th century. Lutheranism is named after Martin Luther, a theologian and German monk, who started a movement aimed at reforming the catholic...

Calvinism vs Lutheranism

Calvinism vs Lutheranism

Both Calvinism and Lutheranism emerged in the 16th century during the Reformation movement following the teachings of John Calvin and Martin Luther respectively. John Calvin (the father of Calvinism) was a French theologian whose teachings lay emphasis on the...

Lutheran vs Catholic doctrine

Lutheran vs Catholic doctrine

The Martin Luther Reformation movement in the 16th century gave birth to the Lutheran church alongside other protestant denominations. Martin Luther had set out to reform the catholic church but when it didn't work out, the protestant church was born. Years later,...