Evangelical vs Baptist

Evangelical vs Baptist

Evangelicalism sprung up as a movent in the 18th century in response to the spiritual and theological developments of the time. It quickly gained traction in Europe before spreading to North America and other regions. The evangelical theological underpinnings were...

Non-Denominational vs. Baptist

Non-Denominational vs. Baptist

Christian denominations started emerging after the Reformation movement of the 16th century. However, towards the end of the 19th century, a movement of non-denominationalism began to emerge as a reaction to the divisions that existed in the institutional structures...

Baptism vs Christianity

Baptism vs Christianity

Christianity is the largest religion on earth with over 2.6 billion followers. It is based on the teachings of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God who was born of the virgin Mary and who came died and rose again for the remission of man’s sins....

Protestant vs Baptist 

Protestant vs Baptist 

Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a consequence of the Reformation movement led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other reformers whose primary goal was to reform the catholic church. In 1517, Luther famously posted his Ninety-Five...

Anabaptist vs Baptist

Anabaptist vs Baptist

The Anabaptist movement emerged in the 16th century in Switzerland during the Reformation movement. The word Anabaptist literally means “rebaptizer” and it was given to them as a nickname which they didn't appreciate at the time because it was a form of mockery....

Baptist vs Southern Baptist

Baptist vs Southern Baptist

Baptists and Southern Baptists also referred to as American Baptist Church (ABC) and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), are similar and dissimilar in several ways. The ABC was established by Roger Williams in 1638 on Rhode Island (Providence) effectively becoming...

Presbyterianism Vs Baptism

Presbyterianism Vs Baptism

Presbyterians and Baptists are both protestants in the sense that they are offshoots of the Reformation movement. However, Presbyterians emerged earlier (in the 16th century) and are arguably more connected to the Reformation movement than the Baptists who emerged a...

Pentecostal vs Baptists

Pentecostal vs Baptists

Pentecostalism is an offshoot of the revivalist and holiness movements of the 19th century. These movements emphasized personal sanctification as the path to a personal experience with God. One of the notable leaders of the movement was Charles Parham and his...

Baptists Vs. Christians

Baptists Vs. Christians

The Baptist denomination emerged around the 17th century as a consequence of the reformation movement that had begun earlier. The Reformation movement was led by Martin Luther and other leaders and they sought to reform the catholic church but the result was the...

Baptist vs Catholic Doctrine

Baptist vs Catholic Doctrine

You may know that Baptists are protestants which means they are quite different in doctrine from the Catholics. But not all protestants believe in the same things and that is why there are so many denominations today. So what exactly does the Baptist doctrine teach...

Methodists vs Baptists

Methodists vs Baptists

Methodists and Baptists are both protestant denominations and as such, they have a couple of similarities. However, the two are also distinct as they have different styles of worship, doctrine, leadership structure, and many other differences. Before we take a closer...