Evangelicalism emerged around the 16th century as a consequence of the Reformation movement. However, the movement only started gaining traction during the 18th-century revivals, e.g. the Methodist movement in the UK and the Great Awakening in North America. The term...
Evangelical vs Baptist
Evangelicalism sprung up as a movent in the 18th century in response to the spiritual and theological developments of the time. It quickly gained traction in Europe before spreading to North America and other regions. The evangelical theological underpinnings were...
Evangelical vs Pentecostal
Evangelicalism is a wing of the protestant church that emphasizes personal conversion, the authority of the Bible, and the spreading of the gospel. It started as a movement in the 18th century in Europe as a direct result of the great awakening. The Great Awakening...
Evangelical Vs. Christianity
Evangelical Christianity and Christianity are often used interchangeably to refer to the Christian faith. However, the two are anything but similar. The term Christian means a person who believes in Jesus Christ. The term Christian was coined in the early church as a...
Evangelical vs Catholic
Evangelicals emerged around the 17th century as a direct result of the Reformation movement. The term evangelical is derived from the Greek word “euangelion” which is translated to mean Good news. Evangelicals place a lot of emphasis on sharing the good news...
Evangelical vs Protestant
Protestantism emerged in the 16th century following the Reformation movement that was led by Martin Luther, Huldryc Zwingli, John Calvin, and other leaders to challenge some doctrinal and political issues in the catholic church. The protestant move continue to morph...