Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a direct consequence of the Reformation movement that was sparked by Martin Luther. The word protestant has its origins in the Protestation at Speyer that happened in 1529. This protestation involved a group of German...
Pentecostalism vs. Christianity
Pentecostalism emerged in the 20th century during the Azusa Street revival that took place in Los Angeles, California. During this revival, there was a restoration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which were commonplace in the New Testament church but had gotten...
Evangelical vs Pentecostal
Evangelicalism is a wing of the protestant church that emphasizes personal conversion, the authority of the Bible, and the spreading of the gospel. It started as a movement in the 18th century in Europe as a direct result of the great awakening. The Great Awakening...
Pentecostal vs Baptists
Pentecostalism is an offshoot of the revivalist and holiness movements of the 19th century. These movements emphasized personal sanctification as the path to a personal experience with God. One of the notable leaders of the movement was Charles Parham and his...