Epicopolainism is an offshoot of the Church of England which was established in the 16th century following the English Reformation movement. The Church of England retained lots of catholic liturgy and practices while at the same time embracing some Protestantism. Over...
Episcopal vs Methodist
The Episcopal Church, otherwise referred to as the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA) is part of the Anglican communion. The Anglican communion refers to a global association of churches that have a common ancestry in the Church of England. The...
Episcopal vs Christian
Not every Christian is Episcopal but every Episcopal is a Christian. That’s because Episcoplianism is a denomination of Christianity. The word Christian loosely translates to “Christ-like” and it was originally used as a nickname to refer to the disciples of Christ in...
Anglican vs. Episcopal
Anglicanism and Episcopalianism are closely related denominations that might seem alike on the surface but there are still some subtle differences between the two. Anglicanism emerged in the 16th century during the Reformation movement and after King Henry VIII...
Episcopal vs Catholic Doctrine
The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican communion of believers which is the largest communion of Christians on earth. If the estimates of Bishop Esting Christopher are anything to go by, the Anglican communion of believers is at approximately 77...