Protestant vs Baptist 

by | Jul 16, 2023 | Baptist, Protestant | 0 comments

Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a consequence of the Reformation movement led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other reformers whose primary goal was to reform the catholic church. In 1517, Luther famously posted his Ninety-Five Theses, which criticized the sale of indulgences and questioned other aspects of Catholic doctrine. Church historians attribute this action as the starting point of the Reformation movement, ultimately leading to the birth of the Protestant church. Protestantism encapsulates various denominations including Methodism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, and many more.

A century after Protestantism, the English Separatist movement was born which also led to the establishment of the Baptist denomination. The English Separatists were inspired by the Reformation movement and they started a movement aiming to “purify” the church of England. As such, they were also referred to as the Puritans. The Puritans were of the view that the Anglican church had not fully reformed from Catholicism and so they ended up forming the Baptist doctrine. 

Differences between Protestants and Baptists

The principal difference between Baptists and Protestants is their view of Baptism. Baptists emphasize water baptism of adults who have made a personal decision to follow Christ. Unlike Baptists, most protestants practice infant baptism and baptism is seen as a rite of passage through which one is admitted to the family of believers.

The table below gives the most notable differences between Protestants and Baptists.

AspectProtestant WorshipBaptist Worship
Liturgical vs. non-liturgical servicesProtest worship styles differ depending on the doctrine of the denomination. Some have liturgical while others have non-liturgical worship styles.Baptist worship styles are typically non-liturgical and they also allow for spontaneity
Music and hymnodyMost protestants use hymns for worship although there are some that also incorporate contemporary music in their services.Baptists mostly use contemporary music although some also blend traditional hymns in their services.
Congregational participationMost protestants have a hierarchical structure that may or may not include congregational participation depending on the doctrine.Baptists have a strong emphasis on congregational participation in leadership, decision-making as well as worship.
BaptismProtestants observe baptism as a sacrament that symbolizes Christ’s death and resurrection. The view on baptism differs from denomination to demolition. For instance, some believe in infant baptism while others do not. Others baptize by immersion while others allow for sprinkling of waterBaptism is the most important sacrament for Baptists. They believe that every believer that has a personal relationship with Christ must go through water baptism to affirm their faith. Baptists do not believe in infant baptism as they believe that one must of be of age to make a decision to be baptized. Additionally, Baptist baptism is by immersion in water
Spontaneity in worshipMost protestants have a liturgical format that is guided by the liturgical books. As such, they may not have spontaneity in their worshipBaptists typically encourage spontaneity in their worship services

Core Beliefs of Protestantism

Salvation by faith alone

Protestantism emphasizes the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. This means that an individual can only be justified by faith and that good deeds as well as human effort do not contribute to salvation. The Sola fide (Faith alone) principle of Protestantism teaches that salvation is a free gift given to man by God and it can therefore not be earned. 

The Authority of Scripture

Protestantism also emphasizes the authority of scripture (also known as sola Scriptura, or scripture alone). They believe the Bible is the infallible word of God. As such, the Bible is seen as the only source of divine revelation as well as the only guide on doctrine, faith, and day-to-day Christian living. Every believer is encouraged to have a personal study of the scripture in order to understand God’s will for their life. 

The Priesthood of all believers

Protestant doctrine believes in the priesthood of all believers. This doctrine emphasizes that all believers have direct access to God through Jesus, who is the only mediator between God and man. Protestantism teaches against a special priesthood class that serves as mediators between men and God. Instead, every believer is encouraged to approach God personally. 

The doctrine of grace

The concept of grace: Protestantism emphasizes the central role of God’s grace in salvation. It teaches that humans are inherently sinful and incapable of earning their salvation through good works. Instead, salvation is seen as a result of God’s unmerited favor and love, freely given to those who trust in Christ.

Core Beliefs of Baptists

Believer’s Baptism by Immersion

As the name suggests, Baptist doctrine is based on the doctrine of baptism by immersion. The doctrine teaches that Baptism should be reserved only for Christians that have made a personal decision to follow Jesus. These Christians should then be baptized by immersion in water. This practice of baptism is done as a symbolic gesture of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Baptist doctrine does not allow for infant baptism because they do not have the capacity to make a personal decision to follow Christ.

Autonomy of the local church 

Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church. This means the different churches are self-governing and they, therefore, have the authority to make decisions on leadership, worship, and all affairs pertaining to their church. This principle makes the Baptist churches quite diverse and it also helps to create a sense of belonging and accountability. 

Congregational governance

Baptist churches adopt a congregational governance structure where the members of a respective congregation are allowed in the decision-making process. This includes approving the budget, electing pastors, and affirming doctrinal beliefs. The democratic approach to decision-making allows for shared responsibility in the congregation. 

Separation of church and State

The Baptist movement is believed to be the champion of the separation of church and state. According to Baptist doctrine, religious freedom can not be achieved unless the two entities are separate and distinct. Baptists believe that the church should have the freedom of practicing their religious liberties without coercion or interference from the government. 


In conclusion, Baptists may also be classified as protestants in the sense that they do not believe in the catholic rite. However, Baptists have distinguished themselves from protestants in many ways but especially so on the doctrine of baptism. For Baptists, baptism plays a vital role in the life of a believer and they believe it should be reserved for adults who have made a decision to follow Christ. This focus on water baptism is where they get the name of Baptists. 

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About: Ronie

Ronnie Amaya has been actively involved in ministry since his high school and university days where he served as a Christian union leader. After graduation, he worked as an itinerary minister preaching in Schools, Universities, Street Evangelizations, and Churches. In 2018, he led a team in planting a new church in Nairobi, Kenya where he is currently serving as the lead pastor.
<a href="" target="_self">Ronie</a>


Ronnie Amaya has been actively involved in ministry since his high school and university days where he served as a Christian union leader. After graduation, he worked as an itinerary minister preaching in Schools, Universities, Street Evangelizations, and Churches. In 2018, he led a team in planting a new church in Nairobi, Kenya where he is currently serving as the lead pastor.

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