Dancing is not Christian or unchristian. However, there are some forms of dancing that leave a lot to be desired. Some may even be termed sinful. This has led to the coining of the phrase “dancing without leaving room for Jesus.”
Meaning of Dancing Without Leaving Room for Jesus
The phrase “dancing without leaving room for Jesus” is a humorous way of reminding Christians to observe boundaries while dancing. The phrase is mostly used literally (to refer to dancing) but it can also be used metaphorically to encourage people to observe spiritual boundaries in whatever they are doing in life.
In the context of dancing, leaving room for Jesus suggests that the dancers will keep a respectable distance between them.
The Biblical Context for Living Room for Jesus
The Bible doesn’t necessarily say to leave room for Jesus while dancing but the concept can be inferred from some Biblical contexts. Here are a couple of scriptures that can be interpreted to mean leaving room for Jesus while dancing:
- Do not stir up or awaken love until it pleases (Song of Solomon 2:7; 3:5; 8:4)
The scripture may be interpreted to mean not to ignite feelings at the wrong time. As Christians, we are called to live a chaste life, and keeping boundaries when dancing is a good starting point. If you get too close to your partner, you may arouse feelings that might lead you to sin Jesus taught that sexual immorality is not just an issue of engaging in the sexual act. He taught that even a lustful thought counts as sexual immorality. So to be on the safe side, leave some room for Jesus because the last thing you want is to arouse love before time.
- Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself (1 Cor. 6:9)
Every Christian must always remember that their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. As such, it is incumbent upon you to “control your body in a way that shows honor” (1 Thess. 4:4-5). One way of doing this is by avoiding compromising situations that may expose you to sin. As we have seen, dancing in a sensual way is bound to arouse sexual feelings and that is a slippery path that may result in sexual sin.
Faith and Dance – A Delicate Balance
Even though dancing is not wrong, balancing your love for dance and your faith in God is a delicate balance. Here are some tips that can help you do it.
- Location
There are some locations that will increase the likelihood of falling into sin. For instance, nightclubs may not be the best place to visit as a Christian. You may want to rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to “order your steps” when planning a date to avoid going to places that may not glory God.
- Dancing styles
While dancing is not a sin, there are some dancing styles that are too sensual for Christians – especially the unmarried. Some of these dancing styles encourage dressing in a suggestive way which adds to the lustful emotions and desires they spark in the participants. Beware of such styles and try to avoid them.
- Set boundaries
It is always a good idea to set boundaries. This may involve refraining from certain dance events or situations that conflict with your faith, or it could mean making sure that your dance activities do not interfere with your salvation. For instance, do not go out when you are supposed to be attending a worship service. Such boundaries will help to keep you in check and thereby prevent you from shipwrecking your faith.
- Keep good company
The saying “no man is an island ” is true. However, in your endeavor to seek human companionship, be sure to look for friends that are like-minded. For instance, if you hang out with friends who do not go to church, they may not understand your stand against some of the things that they consider normal. The Bible says iron sharpens iron and this means that if you hand around goldy friends, they will help you stay on the right course.
Do Not Forget to Dance for God!
As we have already sinned, dancing without leaving room for Jesus has connotations of purity and holiness. However, it may also be a stark reminder that we ought to dance to God. In its original and pure form, dance is a physical expression of worship. So if you love dancing, you do not have to wait until you are on a date to dance. You can just play some lively music and dance as a worship to God. also, be sure to participate in congregational worship and do not be embarrassed to dance in public. Always remember the words of Jesus – “Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels” Luke 9:26”
Here are a couple of things the Bible says about dancing (as a form of worship).
- You can praise God through dancing (Psalms 149:3)
- There is a time for everything – including a time to dance (Ecc. 3:4)
- Those who do not understand the significance and power of dancing for God will despise you and even mock you for it (2 Samuel 6:16)
- It’s okay to dance with reckless abandon before God (2 Samuel 6:14).
- Dancing is a sign of Joy. It is a testimony of God’s faithfulness (Psalms 30:11)
Ultimately, the key to dancing while honoring God is finding a personal balance that allows you to express yourself through dance while remaining true to biblical values and principles. This balance may evolve over time, and it’s important to be flexible and open to growth as you continue on your dance journey. Always remember to seek God’s kingdom first because if God is happy with you, everything else will fall into place.