Reformed theology, also referred to as reformed Protestantism is an offshoot of the protestant reformation of the 16th century. It is largely based on the teachings of Ulrich Zwingli, John Clavin, and Martin Bucer. Reformation Protestantism emphasizes the doctrine of...
Non-Denominational vs. Baptist
Christian denominations started emerging after the Reformation movement of the 16th century. However, towards the end of the 19th century, a movement of non-denominationalism began to emerge as a reaction to the divisions that existed in the institutional structures...
Protestant vs Pentecostal
Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a direct consequence of the Reformation movement that was sparked by Martin Luther. The word protestant has its origins in the Protestation at Speyer that happened in 1529. This protestation involved a group of German...
Pentecostalism vs. Christianity
Pentecostalism emerged in the 20th century during the Azusa Street revival that took place in Los Angeles, California. During this revival, there was a restoration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which were commonplace in the New Testament church but had gotten...
Baptism vs Christianity
Christianity is the largest religion on earth with over 2.6 billion followers. It is based on the teachings of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God who was born of the virgin Mary and who came died and rose again for the remission of man’s sins....
Presbyterian vs Lutheran
Presbyterianism stemmed from John Calvin’s teachings. He was a French theological scholar who played a significant role in the Reformation movement. The word Presbyterian is adapted from the Greek word “presbyteros” which loosely translates to elder. Presbyterianism,...
Protestant vs Baptist
Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a consequence of the Reformation movement led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other reformers whose primary goal was to reform the catholic church. In 1517, Luther famously posted his Ninety-Five...
Catholic vs Christian Bible
The Bible is the most popular book in the world. An estimated 20 million copies are sold each year. It is the most translated, printed, read, and referenced book. But not all Bibles are similar - some are literal translations, others are dynamic equivalent...
Lutheran vs Christianity
Christianity can be traced back to the early church in the Book of Acts where it is recorded that the believers were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:26). From then on, the church continued to spread its wings across nations and it soon became the largest...
Catholic Bible vs. King James
The Bible is a collection of books that have been accepted as the word of God. In the early church, there were several writings that were circulated as holy scriptures. These writings included the epistles (from Apostles Paul, James, Peter, and John), the Gospels...
Episcopal vs Christian
Not every Christian is Episcopal but every Episcopal is a Christian. That’s because Episcoplianism is a denomination of Christianity. The word Christian loosely translates to “Christ-like” and it was originally used as a nickname to refer to the disciples of Christ in...
Methodist vs Lutheran
Methodism sprung up in the 18th century. Ir originally began as a movement in the Church of England under the leadership of John Wesley with his brother Charles Wesley who were trying to revive spiritual fervor as well as deal with some social issues in the church....