Presbyterian vs Protestant

Presbyterian vs Protestant

In the 16th Century, there was a push for the reformation of the catholic church. This move was championed by a German theologian, Martin Luther, who voiced his dissent against the doctrinal and administrative issues that he believed were against scripture. His...

Anabaptist vs Baptist

Anabaptist vs Baptist

The Anabaptist movement emerged in the 16th century in Switzerland during the Reformation movement. The word Anabaptist literally means “rebaptizer” and it was given to them as a nickname which they didn't appreciate at the time because it was a form of mockery....

Baptist vs Southern Baptist

Baptist vs Southern Baptist

Baptists and Southern Baptists also referred to as American Baptist Church (ABC) and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), are similar and dissimilar in several ways. The ABC was established by Roger Williams in 1638 on Rhode Island (Providence) effectively becoming...

Messianic Judaism vs Christianity

Messianic Judaism vs Christianity

Messianic Judaism refers to Jews who accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. This group, also described as Jewish Christians,  emerged around the first century. Judaists have always awaited the Messiah and the Jewish Christians believe that Jesus is the...

Evangelical vs Pentecostal

Evangelical vs Pentecostal

Evangelicalism is a wing of the protestant church that emphasizes personal conversion, the authority of the Bible, and the spreading of the gospel. It started as a movement in the 18th century in Europe as a direct result of the great awakening. The Great Awakening...

Lutheran vs. Protestant

Lutheran vs. Protestant

Lutheranism and Protestantism have a common origin because they both emerged from the protestant reformation movement in the 16th century. Lutheranism is named after Martin Luther, a theologian and German monk, who started a movement aimed at reforming the catholic...

Evangelical Vs. Christianity

Evangelical Vs. Christianity

Evangelical Christianity and Christianity are often used interchangeably to refer to the Christian faith. However, the two are anything but similar. The term Christian means a person who believes in Jesus Christ. The term Christian was coined in the early church as a...

Ireland Catholic Vs Protestant 

Ireland Catholic Vs Protestant 

Christianity in Ireland can be traced back to the 5th century thanks to the efforts of Saint Patrick who is now recognized as Ireland’s patron saint. Saint Patrick introduced catholicism and it grew rapidly across the nation. However, the Reformation movement that...

Presbyterian vs Methodist

Presbyterian vs Methodist

Presbyterianism emerged in Scotland around the 16th century following the Reformation movement. Presbyterianism was founded on the teachings of John Knox who based his theology on the ideas of John Calvin. The church of Scotland (also known as the Scottish...

Presbyterianism Vs Baptism

Presbyterianism Vs Baptism

Presbyterians and Baptists are both protestants in the sense that they are offshoots of the Reformation movement. However, Presbyterians emerged earlier (in the 16th century) and are arguably more connected to the Reformation movement than the Baptists who emerged a...

Catholic Bible vs Protestant Bible

Catholic Bible vs Protestant Bible

There are two main versions of the Bible - the catholic and the protestant Bible. Both of these Bibles have a common foundation but they also differ in a couple of ways including the number of books as well as the content therein. The differences between the two...